Wednesday 26 January 2022

How Important is #Safety & #Quality for an #Organization ? #HSE #Process safety

In our day-to-day life there are many of items, we see, use, travel with them e.g.- Electricity in our house, Petrol, Aero plane's &many more


And there are many products assembled & operate together for the end results e.g.- Without a Turbine how electricity will be generated, Without Fuel how Aero plane could be fly….


In making of these products 100 of employees devoted their time to work them efficiently & safely.


Question is what are the things these employees use to make it happen?  


These are the “Control Measures” taken while doing engineering & manufacturing a product.

This control measured are infused in product (or in support services) through End user requirements, Analysis, R & D, Level of Quality & Safe operability.


These measures are infused through organizational knowledge, Culture, Elimination, Substitution, Engineering, Standard operating procedures etc. 


As the equipment’s & materials become more complex, end user demands for Quality to improve reliability, especially when public safety is involved.

Organizations focused more on elimination or Mitigation of RISK (Hazards)

What does mean HAZARD?

Any material or process which has potential to cause harm to P.E.A.R (PEOPLE – ENVIRONMENT- ASSET- REPUTATION)


But How organizations do this?

Through HAZOP study, Safety Integrity Level (SIL), Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA), Design Appraisal (Evaluating, Measuring, Auditing & Testing of products or deliverables), Quality Assurance (QA), Quality Control (QC).

A Million Doller Question is, Why do organizations across the globe evolving around these 2 terms SAFETY & QUALITY


Because to mitigate RISK towards,



        Loss of image.

        Public liability.

        Loss of profits.

        Psychological impediments.

 Let see some events that shook the world,


# 2019 Boeing 737 Max Crashes

#2010 BP Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil spill

#1986 Challenger Space Shuttle explosion

Employees who know what to do, know how to do it effectively & efficiently are obviously very important to survival & success of any organization.


 We will start with SAFETY First

        Safety plays an important role towards the protection of human life, company property and surrounding community. 

      Safety enhances efficient running of business i.e., the productivity as well as corporate image.

·       To understand how something (equipment) could be operated / handled, we must first make the distinction between occupational safety, sometimes called personal safety, on the one hand, and process safety on the other.

Occupational safety:— Concern over slips, Trip & other workplace accidents

Process safety:— Concerns over Hazard analysis, Design for safety, material verification, equipment maintenance & process-change reporting.

Process Safety - The protection of people and property from catastrophic incidents that may result from unplanned or unexpected deviations in process conditions.

 Process safety is a blend of engineering & management skills focused on preventing catastrophic accidents & near misses, particularly structural collapse, explosions, fires & toxic releases associated with loss of containment of energy or dangerous substances such as chemicals and petroleum products.

If you’re In-charge of safety and you focused on hazards like this…

You’re probably doing “personal safety”


But if you’re in charge of safety & you focused on hazards like this…

You’re probably doing “process safety”


 Personal Safety- To all workplace scenarios, any industry

Process Safety- Primarily to process industries,





Any industry dealing with materials with intrinsically hazardous properties and subject to major accident hazard

Some Associated Terms

Personal Safety - 

Slips, Trips, Falls, JHA, PPE, Unsafe Acts, Incident Reporting, Hazard Identification, Unsafe Conditions On Site

Process Safety -

PHA, LOPA, ALARP, HAZOP, Asset Integrity, Human Factors, Intrinsically Safe, Material 

Verification, Major Accident Hazard, Management of Change, Equipment 

Maintenance, Process-Change Reporting

Focus of Concern

Safety Pyramid

Hazard ID & Assessment

Personal Safety

Process Safety

Required a wide range of participants

Requires technical & often engineering expertise in processes & materials handled

Often managed entirely in-house

Frequently facilitated by external consultants

Hazard Control

Safety Culture

Personal Safety

Process Safety

Must especially be nurtured with:

Must especially be nurtured with:

Field & Shop Managers

Senior Executives


Senior Management

Front Line Supervisors

Any Key Decision-Makers



Note: Personal safety hazard controls are typically managed within existing operational budgets

Note: Process safety hazard assessments and controls often carry a price tag that requires senior operational buy-in


Personal Safety

Process Safety

To protect personnel from injury & illness

To protect capital assets & environment

Prevention of a series of incidents

But outcomes include safety of personnel


But outcomes include equipment & operational integrity & lower incident costs


Prevention of the catastrophic incident


The personal injury / human loss potential on process safety incidents is typically high compared to personal safety incidents

 Management System

 Personal Safety

·  Management Involvement & Commitment

·  Hazard Identification & Assessment (includes Inspections & Site Specific Hazard Identification & Reporting)

· Hazard Control (Includes Preventive Maintenance & Hazardous Materials)

· Training

· Emergency Response

· Incident Reporting & Investigations

· Communication (includes Safety Records and Audit)

· Joint Health & Safety Committee


Management System Process Safety

 Process safety leadership

1.     Leadership commitment & responsibility

2.     Identification & compliance with legislation & industry standards

3.     Employee selection, placement, competency & health assurance

4.     Workforce involvement

5.     Communication with stakeholders

 Risk identification & assessment

6.     Hazard identification & risk assessment

7.     Documentation, records & knowledge management

 Risk management

8.     Operating manuals & procedures

9.     Process & operational status monitoring & handover

10. Management of operational interfaces

11. Standards & practices

12. Management of change & project management

13. Operational readiness & process start-up

14. Emergency preparedness

15. Inspection & maintenance

16. Management of safety critical devices

17. Work control, permit-to-work & test risk management

18. Contractor & supplier, selection & management

Review & improvement

19. Incident reporting & investigation

20. Audit, Assurance, Management Review & Intervention

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